New update on schedule 2014
We just get confirm for our first apparence in NY State in septembre…
More détails coming soon !
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We just get confirm for our first apparence in NY State in septembre…
More détails coming soon !
This year we are back in Provo, Utah for the American Freedom Festival 2015. This time, we will be there with the Darth Vader Balloon and Master Yoda, just for each morning hot inflation display (not flying – ground inflations).
The team is leaving Belgium for his first step in USA for 2015.Both shapes will be participating to the festival in El Paso, Texas.
For the first time, both balloons were on the same palce in Asia. The festival of Lubao, near Manilla, in Filippines was the fianl destination for our asian tour 2015. Weather was littles windy so we cannot flew every times but we do some flights and the reaction of the crouwd was amazing ! Now […]
The Asian tour continues… this time the South of Thailand for a new balloon festival !
For the first time, a balloon festival will be organize this weekend on the Penang Island – Malaysia. The Darth Vader Balloon is one of the participating balloons, the balloon will be only display on ground with others shapes. There are only few landing possibilities, so thetering and display to enjoy everyone ! Today, team […]
The festival of Canberra is coming and they just annonce our shape on the News ! See here :
The Master Yoda Balloon is on the way to Australia, for the Canberra Balloons Spectacular. Easy storage with this basket.
Our next step in 2015 is Malaysia, with a new event on Penang Island. The Darth Vader Balloon will be there for a static display during the festival. Check the video about this new event, it will be a nice place to be ! Note: we will not be at the Putrajaya event this year.
For our first time, we visited the Arizona by hot air balloon. The festival of Lake Havasu City was so great ! Beautifull place to fly and good friends Yoda made all flights and glows forecasted on the Schedule.
The balance of the Force is now equal in the sky… Our team is proud to present you, the second hot air balloon from Star Wars movies, Master Yoda himself ! The idea was to create a new shape from Star Wars, the master yoda balloon is a very small balloon, as the hero from […]